الجمعة، 29 فبراير 2008

تعالووووو نزور بلوج رفيجتي ملكة العرب

ياهـــــــــلا وسهلا فيكم من يديد

اشحــــالكم عساكم طيبييين ؟

يا مرحباااا الساع

عاااااد اليوم حبيت اكلمكم عن بلوج رفيجتي وتؤام روحي ملكة العرب

فــــديتها هي من عشاق البيبيات عسب جيه بتلاحظوووون بلوجها يحتوي ع صور ومواضيع اكثرها عن الطفولة
مابي اطول عليكم

وهذا رابط بلوقها

الخميس، 21 فبراير 2008

For my best friends‏

Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget
would u send it back!!
Interesting to See If You Send this Back

What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?

What would you do

if for every moment

you were truly happy

there would be

10 moments of sadness?

What would you do

if your best friend

died tomorrow

and you never got to

tell them how you felt?

So, I just wanted to say,

even if I never talk to you again

in my life,

you are special to me

and you have made

a difference i n my life.

I look up to you,

respect you,

and truly cherish you.

Send this to all your friends,

no matter how often you talk,

or how close you are,

and send it to the person

who sent it to you.

haven't forgotten them,

and tell new friends

you never will.

So, I just wanted to say,

even if I never talk to you again

in my life, you are special to

me and you have made

a difference i n my life.

Remember, everyone needs a friend,

someday you might feel like

you have NO FRIENDS at all,

just remember this e-mail and take

comfort in knowing somebody

out there cares about you

and always will

I'll Always Be There

In times of trouble,

In times of need,

If you are feeling SAD,

You can count on me. I will give you a wink


Until you smile,

give you a hug,

And stand by your side.

I'll be there for you till the end, I'll always and forever, be your friend!




الأربعاء، 20 فبراير 2008

Play With Your Kids

During summertime, family life becomes more chaotic and less routine. However, summer presents a wonderful new opportunity for parents who choose to grasp it! As I travel the nation putting on parenting events there is one very common question that keeps being asked… "How do you talk to kids, especially to teenagers?"

Well, let me tell you, I do not believe that there is a simple answer to that question because there are just about as many answers as there are kids! There is one thing that I do know to be the truth about being able to carry on a conversation with a young person; it is almost impossible to talk with a child with whom you do not already have a relationship! It is virtually impossible to discuss important issues with a child who views you as a stranger. Summer gives us an opportunity to build relationships with our kids.

Along those lines, I am convinced that the best way to build a relationship with a child is through the medium of play. A wonderful side effect of playing with kids is that playing is fun for adults too… it is an excuse to extend childhood! Like my grandfather used to say, "You can only be young once but you can make immaturity last a lifetime!"

Play does not have to be complicated nor organized. Look for opportunities to play with your kids daily. On a hot day, pick up some water balloons on the way home from work and start a water balloon fight. Get squirt guns to cool a hot summer evening. Start the barbeque and create your own gourmet burgers. While the barbeque is warming up and the burgers are cooking, start a neighborhood game of baseball in the street using a homemade ball made with a wadded up wet sock (that way no windows get broken.)

Stop by the local Good Will or used sporting goods shop and pick up an old set of used golf clubs. Pick up some Whiffle Balls and then when you get home set up a golf course around your yard or around the neighborhood by stapling or taping paper plates to various trees, light poles, fence posts, corners of buildings, and other usable landmarks. Write the numbers one through nine on the paper plates. You now have a new golf course. To play you start at plate #9 and hit your ball toward the landmark labeled #1. To score on a hole your ball must be hit to within a club length of the object. Count your "strokes" just like in golf. The person with the lowest total strokes after 9 holes is the winner. This game can be a blast when played in a forest, in a yard or it six or seven back yards that join. Enlist the neighbors to play with you. Set "tee times" and develop handicaps. The possibilities are endless. Post scores, make up impromptu leader boards and develop your course ground rules. Follow the lead of the kids.

Create a neighborhood newspaper on your computer. Put kids in charge of publishing it and have them interview neighbors about upcoming events in their respective families.

Get out the video camera and make a music video. Pick a song to use as the theme and then shoot footage to make a statement that matches what the song says. Let your hair down and get into it with your kids. Let them shoot you in everyday life and put music to what they have shot. You might really learn something about the way that the kids see you and your family life.

Get the ingredients for making ice cream sundaes and break them out as an evening family activity. Set the ingredients up in the garage or on the porch and let your kids invite a bunch of their friends over to join in. Sit around in lawn chairs and enjoy the company as you eat the treats.

Set up a Badminton court in the back yard and leave it set up throughout the summer. In free moments challenge your kids to a game. Create new games and set up courts and fields. Take some chalk and create a shuffle board game on the sidewalk using sticks as your implements and slide plastic coffee can lids as your pucks.

Set up a Horseshoe game in the back yard. Get a dartboard and set it up on the back porch or in the kitchen. Start building a big puzzle and leave it set up in the living room; work on it during spare time. Play Cribbage, Gin Rummy, Chess or Checkers. Play tennis, swim, hike, ride bikes, take a walk in a park, go fishing, get creative and find ways to play with your kids.

What will happen when you establish a spirit of play with your kids is that you will find that it will become easier and easier to talk with them. When people are in the act of playing it is almost impossible to be silent. The natural talk that surrounds play will break the ice. Once the talk becomes natural it becomes much easier to talk about important topics. When play becomes a regular part of life in your family then, when feel you have something that you really need to talk to your kids about it will not seem so odd or forced. You will have established a communication channel via the interaction of playing with your kids! In the meantime you will have had a delightful time laughing and playing with someone you love… your kids!
games for kids:-


A flower, also known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, leading to the formation and dispersal of the seeds. For the higher plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means by which individuals of a species are dispersed across the landscape. The grouping of flowers on a plant are called the inflorescence.

In addition to serving as the reproductive organs of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans, mainly to beautify their environment but also as a source of food.

الثلاثاء، 19 فبراير 2008

How to Argue with Men!

Hi again !
look to this intersting topic which I read and I want to show u!!!

We have all seen a movie or read a book which teaches people how to resolve conflicts (“fight fair”). It usually involves talking calmly or repeating back to the person what they have said (i.e.: “Yes I hear what you're saying. You're saying I'm an idiot!”). I will admit there are times when these methods prove to be very helpful, yet not in every instance. One problem is that when people are angry and emotional, it is very hard to remain calm. Your heart beats faster, and you feel defensive. The smallest misunderstanding seems to take on enormous importance, and what started as a minor conflict, turns into a major battle.

Let us assume that you and your boyfriend/husband are in a disagreement. If he repeats his point several times and seems unable to get that same point across, it means he does not think that you are hearing him. Even if you completely understand, he doesn't think you are appreciative of his point. That's why he keeps repeating it. You may attempt to listen, but his anger only intensifies. You try and explain yourself, and the anger escalates. Why? There is now too much emotion involved. He may just want to argue and vent rather than resolve the issue. What are your options; be quiet or argue back? Thankfully, we at the Relationship Headquarters have a suggestion. Here is a 3 step process to get you out of a conflict with any man!

Rule #1: Only respond to a question. Frequently someone will make a statement which is designed to make you angrier. “I can't believe you were so late!” Most of us would respond to that by defending ourselves. This is a statement, not a question. Don't even respond unless you want to fight. You goal is simply to diffuse the situation, not to add gasoline to the fire. So, what should you do when you are presented with a question?...

This leads us to Rule # 2: Only answer the question. If they ask you “Why were you so late!?”, most people get defensive and explain that it wasn't their fault. Calmly, give the answer and the answer only. If your car broke down simple state, “My car broke down.” The goal is to remain calm (even if the other person's tone and manner suggest anger), and keep your response simple and to the point. Attorneys will often coach their clients prior to testifying in a court of law to follow this same simple rule.

Suppose even after following Rule #1 & #2 and your significant other is still upset. In fact his/her anger seems to intensify and/or escalate.

If this occurs, it is time for Rule #3. Calmly and evenly repeat this specific phrase word for word. Don't change a thing! “What would you like me to do right now?” After asking this question wait for a response. If the anger or accusations continue, again repeat the question word for word; “What would you like me to do right now?” No matter how the other individual responds, if they don't ask for something that is specific, and within your power at the present moment, you need to keep asking. The purpose of this question is that it reveals to you the other person's true intentions. If they want to resolve the conflict, they will come up with something specific and tangible for you to say or do (i.e.: saying you're sorry). If they won't/can't come up with something, it means only one thing: they only want to argue. At this point you need to leave. Leave the room, leave the house, or hang up the phone. You will resolve nothing, and no productive outcome will result by continuing the conversation. There can be only one result if you stay in the room. The other person will continue until they can successfully upset you.

Will these rules solve every conflict, probably not? Will they help you identify whether someone wants to resolve something with you or simply argue? You bet! What is certain is you will be amazed at how many conflicts can be resolved or avoided by following these 3 simple rules.

How to live a happy and satisfied Life

In each day that passes by, we stand by and witness how our lives are being lived without the full happiness and satisfaction we crave and need. Most people spend their time stressed out, worried and on a constant panic about what needs to be done for their futures, raising their children, wired up over work, school, along with everything else. Does this sound familiar? Well if it does, it is because so many people live with this style and pattern. When you can start living that fully happy and satisfied life?

The only way you can live a happy and satisfied life, is when you start doing things that make you happy and satisfied. Sure, it sounds easy, and can be easy if you just remember to make yourself one of your top priorities. Too many people neglect themselves, feeling that it would be selfish if they took any time out to focus on their own being. While it is good to take care of others and other important things going on in your life, it is mandatory that you never forget about yourself. Discover who you really are and what matters most to you. Living a great life does not just happen. It requires, planning and following those plans to a life that reflects who you truly are.

Most people avoid planning goals and dreams in their lives because they may have a fear of committing to it or failing. They feel that by officially writing it down, they would actually have to go through with pursuing it. This is where you need to rate the importance of your life missions. What is most important to you? Is it losing a certain amount of weight? Getting your degree? Spending more time with your spouse or children? Whatever the reason or reasons may be, just write all of them down. You may feel that making a mental note of your goals and dreams is enough, but you could very well be setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. By writing it down, you will become a visual witness of those goals. Try writing them in an organizer, with a little reminder written in each day.

Setting deadlines for these goals would be a great way to assure they will be accomplished. Avoid disappointment by setting realistic deadlines. For example, if you wanted to lose 10 pounds, do not give yourself a week to do so. You will only torture yourself and become depressed when the week is over and see that you did not come even close to losing the 10 pounds. In fact, you may give up losing weight altogether because of the failure you experienced, simply because your deadline was unrealistic. Take some time everyday to look over your goals and remind yourself of how important they really are to you. Ask yourself why they are important to you too. Knowing that something is important is not enough. You must know the reasons behind the importance of the dreams and goals you have, so that your mind can see it more clearly and understand exactly why it is so necessary to go through with your missions.

Excuses are demons you must learn to fight off if you wish to start living a happy and satisfied life. Most people claim to have many dreams, but say they just do not have the time to approach them. Stop making excuses! You are the only one who holds the power to make a real difference in your life. Sure, we all have busy lives with our careers and families, but nothing takes up 24 hours of your day. So if something is truly important to you, you will be sure to make the time to work on it. You can do this by replacing it with something less important. For example, if you claim you do not have the time to work on the other important goals in your life, perhaps it is time for you to start making close observations on the way you spend your time. If you spend several hours of the day working, studying, and then several hours taking care of house chores and family, what else are you doing with the rest of your day? If you spend a good portion watching television, then you need to cut back on that and use that time to begin and follow an exercise plan you have been thinking to focus on for a long time (or whatever goal it is you have).

Making yourself one of your first priorities is not selfish. It actually is obligatory to do so in order to succeed in the other subjects of your life. Without a happy and satisfied you, there will be no happy and satisfied life, because you will be stressed out and unhappy. You might be consciously ignoring your needs and desires, but your subconscious mind has not forgotten about you and will constantly remind you through stress, anger, sadness, insecurity and feelings of failure.

Start listening to yourself and becoming the best friend and supporter you need. No one is going to work on your happiness for you, so find the power and motivation stored up inside you, and use it to direct yourself into the path of true happiness and satisfaction. You can do anything you set your mind to, and once you have stopped and gotten in touch with yourself, you will learn and realize just how wonderful and capable you really are, and how you always have been. You will not only realize these things, but also begin loving who are more and more, which will not only lead you to achieving the things that make you most happy, but will guide you into a world of many new dreams come true.